Overall how was your experience with the service and staff at Ridings Opticians? *
How probable is it that you will recommend Ridings Opticians to a friend or family member? *

What was your experience of Ridings Opticians in the following areas?

Booking Appointment

I was able to book an appointment at a time that was convenient to me *

Welcome into the store     

I was acknowledged in a friendly manner within a reasonable time after entering the practice. *

The Practice

It was pleasant, clean and easy to find what I was looking for *

My needs and preferences

The staff were genuinely interested in my needs and preferences *

Contact with the practice team 

The team were available to assist me when needed throughout my entire visit *

Your Eye Examination at Ridings Opticians

What was your experience of the eye examination at Ridings Opticians? *

Waiting time before entering the consulting room.                                                                                       

How satisfied were you with the length of time you had to wait before you entered the consulting room? *

The Eye Examination                                                                                                                                         

The eye examination was professionally conducted and I was kept informed of what tests were being carried out. *
Did you have a photograph taken of the back of your eye with our digital retinal camera? *
If No on the previous question, was a photograph discussed with you ?

Guidance from the Optician               

I was provided with guidance on what I needed to meet my optical needs and lifestyle. *

Lens options and treatment 

Lens options and treatments were discussed with me. *
If you have any comments on the eye examination, please enter them here.
Did you purchase spectacles from Ridings Opticians at your visit?
If you did not purchase spectacles from us after you eye test, please tell us why:
If other reason please enter it here.
How satisfied were you with the amount of help you received in selecting a frame? *
Were you made aware of our current promotions? *
What was the main reason you chose Ridings Opticians? *
How long have you been a Ridings Opticians Customer? *
Your Age *

At Ridings Opticians we want to ensure every team member has the opportunity to be recognised for their service excellence.

Please provide any comments you would like to make about the service you have received from specific members of the team:
What were you most pleased with at Ridings Opticians?
Is there anything we can improve?